Git Tags: A Quick Guide
is a popular version control system. It helps developers track changes
in their code. Git tags
are like bookmarks
for important points in your project’s history.
1 Here are some common Git tag commands:
- List all tags:
1 2 3
git tag # List all tags git tag -l "v1.8.5*" # List tags matching a pattern git tag -n # List all tags with commit message
Create a new tag:
1 2 3 4
git tag v1.0 # Create new tag from current commit git tag -f v1.0 # Force update tag if existed git tag -a v1.0 -m "Release version 1.0" # Create new tag with commit message git tag -a v1.0 9fceb02 -m "Release version 1.0" # Create new tag from commit-hash `9fceb02`
Delete a local tag:
git tag -d v1.0
Delete a remote tag:
1 2
git push origin --delete v1.0 git push origin :refs/tags/v1.0
Push a tag to remote:
1 2
git push origin v1.0 git push origin --tags
2 Other useful commands:
- Checkout a tag:
git checkout v1.0
- Compare two tags:
git diff v1.0 v1.1
Git tags
are helpful for marking release versions
or important milestones
. They make it easy to find specific points
in your project’s history