Parallel Processing In Python3

When running šŸ Python programs, some tasks take a long ā³ time to complete. For example, calling an external šŸŒ API or reading large šŸ“‚ files. If we run these tasks one by one, it can be šŸŒ slow. Instead, we can run them in parallel to save ā±ļø time.

Virtual environment in Python 3

A virtual environment is a separate Python environment. It is isolated from your system’s Python environment. It lets you install Python packages and libraries. These packages don’t affect other projects or your system’s Python.

A Late Night Database Recovery Story

1 The story

It was late at night when my close friend called me. She was panicked because his database was lost.

She sent me information, then I logged into the server to check. The MySQL service was still running. I found that both general log and binary log were enabled on the server.

Exploring the split Command

The split command is a useful tool for breaking down large files into smaller, more manageable pieces. It is especially helpful when dealing with file size limitations or when you need to transfer files over networks.

The basic syntax of the split command is:


Git Tags: A Quick Guide

Git Tag a quick guide
Git is a popular version control system. It helps developers track changes in their code. Git tags are like bookmarks for important points in your project’s history.

  1. List all tags:
    git tag # List all tags
    git tag -l "v1.8.5*" # List tags matching a pattern
    git tag -n # List all tags with commit message

Introduction to PHPDocumentor


PHPDocumentor is a tool that helps generate technical documentation for PHP projects. It reads your PHP code and creates detailed documentation for functions, classes, and methods… This is useful for both new developers and teams working together.

Using PHPDocumentor makes it easier to understand and maintain your code. It helps others quickly see how to use your functions and classes. Good documentation can save time and reduce mistakes. Also, it improves the quality of your project by keeping everything organized.

Understanding UUID: A Unique Identifier

Understanding UUID: A Unique Identifier

UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier. It is a 128-bit number used to identify information uniquely across different systems and applications. UUIDs are often represented as a string of hexadecimal digits, divided into five groups, such as 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000.

Pipeline-partten in Laravel

In Laravel, the pipeline pattern helps you process a series of tasks in a clear and organized way. Instead of handling each step separately, you can use a pipeline to apply multiple actions in sequence.

This pattern is useful when you need to apply several steps to data or an object. For example, you can use a pipeline to handle an order request with steps like validation, and adding data to the order and finally save it to database.

Boost Your Work Productivity: A Simple Guide

Boost Your Work Productivity: A Simple Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, improving your productivity is crucial for achieving success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. By working more efficiently, you can get more done in less time, reduce stress, and you have more time for activities you enjoy. Hereā€™s a simple guide to help you boost your work productivity.

How to Use ZRAM on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Use ZRAM on Ubuntu 24.04 1 What is ZRAM?ZRAM is a Linux kernel module. It creates a compressed block device in RAM. This block device can be used for swap space or as a temporary filesystem. Because it is compressed, it saves memory and can make your system faster. 2 Pros and Cons of Using ZRAMPros: Faster Swap: ZRAM is much faster than a traditional swap on a hard disk.

Simplifying Version Control with Git Stash

Simplifying Version Control with Git Stash

In the world of software development, managing changes efficiently is crucial. Git, a powerful version control system, offers various commands to help streamline this process. One such command that comes in handy when you need to temporarily store your current changes without committing them is git stash.

How To Use Screen Command In Linux: A Beginnerā€™s Guide

How To Use Screen Command In Linux: A Beginnerā€™s Guide

Have you ever been frustrated when your SSH connection drops and your command gets terminated? If so, you need to learn about screen.

Screen is a tool that lets you create multiple sessions on a single terminal. You can detach from a screen session and re-attach to it later, even from a different computer. This way, you can keep your commands running in the background without interruption.

Strategy Pattern in PHP with examples

We need to implement a sorting system that sorts an array of numbers in ascending or descending order

class Sorter {
    public function bubbleSort(array $arr) {
        // Implementation of Bubble Sort
    public function quickSort(array $arr) {
        // Implementation of Quick Sort
    public function mergeSort(array $arr) {
        // Implementation of Merge Sort

$sorter = new Sorter();
$sortedArr = $sorter->bubbleSort($arr); // or $sorter->quickSort($arr) or $sorter->mergeSort($arr)

How to check my ip

Hello, sometimes you need to know “what is my IP address?”. In this post we will learn some ways to check public IP. Have fun!

Open your browser to access this link: You can see something like this: {“ip”:“”,“country”:“Viet Nam”,“cc”:“VN”} so your IP is:

Bonus: You can use curl command to get data too.

How to working with JSON in GoLang

In this post, we will learn how to parse json data in GoLang. Have fun!

Working with structed data

// Import package
import (

type Bird struct {
	Species     string
	Description string

func main() {
	jsonString := `{	
		"species": "pigeon",
		"description": "likes to perch on rocks likes to perch on rocks likes to perch on rocks"
	var bird Bird
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonString), &bird)
    if err != nill {
        // json string is invalid.